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Jeannette Dawson Source: Cylex | 10.06.2021
Management/ The Board of Directors do not care about their members and will lie to try to evict you if they don't like you. If you have a complaint against someone, it is not discreet, and the person you filed against will know you have an issue with them. Maintenance does not like completing work orders, and will having you waiting years to complete, unless you call MAAM, which makes maintenance fix the issue, but you get an issue with Fountain Court, and they pick on you until you either move out, or they try to put you out.
F.C. tried to build a case against me with no evidence. Lying. I had all of my proof against them. A lot of mental stress comes along with living here if you are not "besties" with The Board of Directors. They turn on their "friends" too, by trying to evict them. Look up the cases on 36th District Court and see how they are trying to evict many members. I didn't feel safe living here once I knew that if I sneezed wrong, something would be said about it. FC tried to intimidate many times, stressed me out, verbally attacked me and etc. I refused to deal with it any longer, and finally relocated.
They need a Change in Management and The Board! No one cares for you there! No more bullies!

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