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1485 S. Colorado Blvd.
80222 Denver

(303) 816-3395

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
07:00 AM - 02:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Rinbix Tanis Uxno Source: Cylex | 13.04.2017
1.0 star rating 4/13/2017 First to Review Our negative experience with this ATA location is multi faceted, we did make the mistake of making a impulse decision in signing a 3 year contract, and I own my mistake. When my family signed up it was initially off of a Groupon deal we bought in 08/2016. We thought this would be a good activity for my step daughter and a fun family activity, we were told about different weapons and gear packages they had available, at the time we told them we were not interested right then because it was very expensive, (for my family of 4 it would have been around $2400+) we were then told by the location manager and instructor that we can use the schools weapons without a problem as thats what they were there for, and the pads we would need to compete if we chose to do so. Also nowhere in the contract does it say that we must purchase their gear, or buy only weapons or pads sold by ATA, a few weeks later we had purchased some gear from a reputable tae kwon do supply store, upon arriving at class, we were then informed that we could not use any equipment that was not purchased from ATA (although the gear was higher quality but about a third of the price, and no where in the contract does it say we must purchase all gear, etc. from ATA). We were still told we can just use the schools weapons because that's what they were there for. A few weeks later we received what appeared to be a mass email from the owner Master Patty Lorenz, which part of the email talked about how it is irresponsible and unfair to those students who purchased their weapons for other students to use the schools weapons and that they must be purchased (conveniently for ATA the prices were 3-4, and sometimes more than what you would pay almost anywhere else.) Within the first few months we had seen the owner only a couple times, each time we were not greeted with a hello, or how are you enjoying your training or anything like that but rather we need you to pay for XYZ, or this is coming up and you need to pay if you want to do whatever, I understand the owner has to be concerned about their bottom line, however in the case of Master Patty Lorenz, it seems like the money is her only concern and will do whatever she can to get as much out of you as possible. My step daughter is a sophomore in high school and has started taking college classes, however now both her and my step son's college classes conflict with the classes offered at ATA, so now they are unable to attend. We signed our agreement in 08/2016 November and December because of tournaments and the holidays the school was closed most of the time when our classes were scheduled for. So since our original agreement was made we have only been able to attend the first couple months, I do understand that is our problem and not the schools which is why I continue to pay their $250 fee as agreed. In January as well as in February I tried to go to the school many times when I would be in the area, the school was not open each time ) to be fair it was usually around 12 or 1 and I assumed they were on lunch). I had also received an email saying that the school manager/instructor was no longer employed there ( Master Sam L was amazing, and extremely patient with my step son who has aspergers!), He was the main reasons we enjoyed the classes because of how well he interacted with our kids. Finally in February I stopped by and Master Patty Lorenz was there, I explained the situation with the kids school schedules and how their school schedules conflicted with the courses offered at ATA, I was told that their policy is to not let people out of their contracts. Please learn from my mistake and sell training anywhere but ATA.

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