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Jack Source: Cylex | 31.10.2018
SCAM PREDATORY REPOSSESSION COMPANY PROWLER RECOVERY 617 NW 7 AVE Fort Lauderdale FL 33311 954-491-9995 Why the FLORIDA state division of licensing has not shut this company down is beyond me, something is very wrong here?? They allow their employees to break the FLA CHP 493 LAW, Rules and regulations that licensed repossessors MUST OBEY... They ignore the Breach of Peace Repossession RULE ALL REPOSSESSIONS MUST BE DONE PEACEFULLY or you must drop the car and try again another day... Their employees must of bypassed the 40 hour mandatory TRAINING class that "clearly explains" what you can do and what you can't do on a recovery in the state of Florida.. In the state of Florida and especially when the tow truck driver still in private property, no such repossession is allowed by force or with police assistance to remove car, no exceptions unless there was a court order and the sheriff at the scene.. How this company is still in business and getting away with ripping off consumers?? Please see video evidence, worst repo violation ever done!! Our commissioner Adam Putnam needs to get involved and stop all the predatory repo companies abusing the law and taking advantage that most police officers are not familiar with the repossession rules and regulation recovery agents must obey. NO EXCEPTIONS THE LAW IS THE LAW......

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