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2605 Rodney Lane
75229 Dallas

(469) 533-0730

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM

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ToddFahr Source: Cylex | 11.07.2014
We ordered a custom bookcase wall unit from them. During the pre-sale process the sales person talked with us about what we wanted. The cost was $3,000. Here’s where you as the potential new customer need to understand what went wrong with our experience. They are not a full service contractor. We asked about staining and knob installation. The sales person said those are not included. 34 Oaks was clear about that. We requested that four of the doors have glass. The sales person never indicated that glass was not included. When the installers brought over the bookcase, they did a nice job assembling the parts. They do not wood fill the nail holes. They told us the glass and cord access holes would be done after the bookcase was stained and varnished as part of the post installation detailing process. After the bookcase was stained and varnished, we contacted 34 Oaks to come out to do the detailing process. Two different workers came out and when we asked them about access holes and glass, they said 34 Oaks doesn't do that. We contacted our sales person and he said that glass was not included. This was a complete surprise. He became indignant and said we should have known that since he didn't openly offer it to us during the pre-sale. We ended up spending $120 for the glass. We informed 34 Oaks of the cost and they did not offer to share the cost. They replied they don’t deal with glass doors and we needed to handle it. Remember the installers said it was included. When the detail workers drilled the cord access holes, they splintered the wood in 2 places. When we contacted 34 Oaks about this they acted like it was no big deal. They did come out and repair the spots, but would not acknowledge or accept blame for the problem. They did leave scratch marks on the cabinet where they were working on the repairs. We need to pay the painter to re-stain those repairs. When we asked 34 Oaks to share the cost their answer was no and pay the invoice now. The 34 Oaks sales person stood in my home and threatened to come back with a crew to tear out the bookcase if we didn’t pay him right away. He became very heated and angry. We explained to him that it was 34 Oaks fault that they misled us on the glass doors and they splintered the wood. He wasn’t listening. We asked him to leave and followed up with an email that he is banned from our home. We will pay 34 Oaks for the work performed, but as a potential customer be very aware of the services they do and do not provide plus if something goes wrong don’t expect them to eagerly address it. We would not recommend 34 Oaks to anyone.

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