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20930 Route 19
16066 Cranberry Township

(724) 452-1100

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Sax Jussix Itka Source: Cylex | 19.10.2014
Kathy was ok in the beginning, but she soon became the worst realtor I've ever dealt with or heard of. She was extremely unprofessional and lacked experience that should be basic. I used her both to sell and buy a house, and I regret ever meeting her! When we were looking for a house, there were numerous times she wouldn't make herself available to show us a newly listed house. The houses would sell within the first few days, so we would never get a chance to see them. I feel like it wouldn't have taken us over a year to buy, if she was on top of her game in this aspect. She also would invite other agents and their buyers into a house we were scheduled to look at it, and not even ask if we were ok with this. It's very annoying to try to look at a house and to have strangers right next to you looking. In general she was very quick to jump to conclusions, whether it be her thinking we were going to get an offer accepted, or an offer on our house. She gave false hope way too many times, when I would think a real estate agent would know that until things actually happen, don't get your clients hopes up. She would take quite a while to respond to emails or texts when I contacted her at times, but if it was her contacting me, she would send numerous texts and calls if I didn't respond (even during my work hours)- I found this very unprofessional. In selling our house, she did an awful job on the flyers, so much so we preferred making our own. She didn't proof read them at all, there were out of place words and cut off pictures. She also lost us $2800 by telling us we were registered under her through Howard Hanna's gold program, but not actually doing it. Then she told her boss we never even discussed it, which was a complete lie. When a sale fell through on our house, she also recommended we just settle and give them half of the hand money. It was completely the buyer's fault, and we were entitled to all the hand money, which we asked for and got easily. If we would have listened to her unexperienced advice we would have lost half of that money too. I would never recommend anyone use Kathy as an agent, she is terrible and extremely stressful to deal with. Do yourself a favor, and look for a good, knowledgable realtor with years of experience.

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