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kate Source: Cylex | 28.12.2019
Very good
This is the first review I have written, but I felt it was important to make this one for anyone out there that might be struggling to sort through the hundreds of treatment options available as I did. Honestly, I decided on Asana because they were great about working with my insurance, had excellent accreditations, and well… the weather in Southern California is amazing. But, once I got here, I realized what a truly remarkable decision I had made. Asana feels like home. The staff not only takes care of our needs, but really listens to what will help each one of us in our individual recovery and then goes above and beyond to make those things happen. The therapists take the time with each of their patients to really get to the root of what is going on and then provide practical steps and solutions to help get to the cause. The process groups don’t just seek to repeat the same black and white techniques I have been exhausted by in the past, but take your individual needs into consideration and structure the discussions accordingly. There is freedom to choose not only your own recovery path, but also basic freedoms that I was denied in other facilities I have attended before. Just as one simple example (I won’t get into the specifics of my therapy here or I would provide many more), nature is an extremely important part of my own personal recovery, and they actually put together outdoor trips… such as one to beautiful Crystal Cove nearby. I not only feel like a person again, but I am finally finding my life… a life force I always knew was in there but have failed to uncover time and time again. My Asana tribe has helped make that possible. If you are still reading this, I wish you the best for you or your loved one in recovery. I hope you find the best next step... all the love!

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