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Carol Stollenwerk Source: Cylex | 07.06.2015
OSU medical center is the worst hospital! We have had problems with them in the past because they treat you like a number and not like a person but today beats all. The nurse asked my sick daughter, too sick to fight for her rights, to check her for a fentanyl patch even after she told her that she didn't have any due to a procedure she was going to have at Cleveland Clinic. The nurse had the nerve to ask her to pull her pants down then claimed it was to check for a rash. How freaking humiliating to have to endure this! They claimed it was because they do head to toe assessments or check for a rash? Wait, which one was it... Rash, assessment or fentanyl patch? So maybe they do "assessment" they have never switched stories in the middle of an "assessment" before! Looking for the fentanyl patch to looking for a rash to doing a head to toe assessment how did we jump that far? She has been hospitalized a lot because of her disease and this is the first time that something like this has ever been done at any hospital and we have been to 3 or 4, due to where the Dr. practices. That is invasive and uncalled for! This hospital has an agenda and if you don't go along with it they make your stay miserable. The nurse above the charge nurse said to me that I better get my attitude in order or it would make things harder on my daughter!! What does that mean? Was that a threat to make things harder on my daughter? Back to the assessment, if you are doing one don't you let the patient know? Don't you take notes? When asked why she didn't check my daughter's legs she claimed she saw them earlier. Ok, How? My daughter had pants on and has not removed them. When the charge nurse, her supervisor and the nurse came in they came to confront us because a 14 year old child said that was sexual assault. Not because they were concerned about how my daughter was treated but because a 14 yr. old made a comment, one that I told her to stop right after she said it. I felt it was invasive and wrong but neither I or my adult daughter gave any credence to what was said by the 14 yr. old child but that was all they heard, sexual assault. They didn't hear how my daughter felt at the time or even after. They new she was upset at the time but that didn't stop them, they had an agenda and the patient best cooperate! Hopefully they will treat her better for the rest of her stay. I don't have a lot of hope and this may be an ongoing review.

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