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80909 Colorado Springs

(719) 597-4402

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Ge Utvex Onfre Source: Cylex | 18.04.2017
Sermons - pre-prepared boilerplate "series", leaving no room for Holy Spirit to move. As one sermon was preached, most of what was preached was right in front of me in the study notes of my Life Application Study Bible. It was plagiarism in my opinion. Sermons are classes, as if seminary, spoken with Theological terms few understand but which the Ph.D. is proud of. Fill-in-the-blank handouts for "points"; it's like dry bones. Worship is fairly lively w/ full band, fake smoke and club lighting. Holy Spirit is usually present then, until the classroom style sermon begins. Pastor is never present in worship where God inhabits the praises of his people. Rarely is there an alter call for healing, etc. In 3 years of attending, I've only seen people anointed with oil 3 or 4 times, but only after the congregation is dismissed. Those accepting Jesus are not expected to make a public profession, rather "every-head-bowed, every-eye-closed" practiced. Gifts of the Spirit not found, unless you go to a "Holy Spirit encounter weekend" which you pay to attend, or once a month prayer and worship service, which is rare. Guest speakers ridicule other denominations, specifically Catholics, and the Pastor denied it because the guest speaker was a friend. Non-biblical principles are preached such as "if you aren't baptized, you aren't a real Christian"; I know, as I have read God's Word. You won't find that in God's Word. Kids are given "bucks" to buy junk toys after church. They even fight over it and church personnel to busy talking to do anything. Told Pastor Todd, and his arrogance is unbelievable. Ignored my reporting it to him - sad, just plain sad! I will never go back! If you want a worldly, fully assimilated church where Non-biblical principles are taught, the Spirit is not allowed to give unction, and the Pastor ignores urgent matters, attend Radiant. Todd even told me his wife, Kelly, and a church elder suggested he ignore me. The arrogance and pride there prevents humility and is sickening. I believe all churches go through a season and I've prayed and interceded to no avail, so must move on and find a Godly church where Holy Spirit is welcomed. Their former Texas church, we are told had great moves of Holy Spirit, but we've only seen that at Radiant once in 4 years during Holy Spirit encounter weekend. It may be a denominational conflict for me, being Full Gospel. I know some denominations have rules the church must abide by. I won't be looking to attend any church where constraints are put on the pastor or are set up in 3 songs and a sermon style every Sunday. This is simply my opinion. See other's posts where they tried to express concern and were ignored. Most 5 Star posts are from a handful of people the church bends over backwards for, likely because they are big tithers, family or suck up to the "Leaders".

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