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562 Clough Pike
45245 Cincinnati

(513) 528-5151

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08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

rob schwallie Source: Cylex | 24.01.2013
On January 23, 2012 at 5:30pm EST I contacted G&R Plumbing because I was having problems with my hot water heater and main shut off valve in my condo. I needed my main shut off valve replaced because it broke when I shut off the water and I could not turn my water back on. I also wanted my hot water heater looked at to see why my water was not staying hot.
I spoke to a guy named Randy and informed him of the situation. He informed me that he could be out on Thursday January 24, 2013 between 11-12. On January 24, I received a phone call stating that he would be there at 12 noon.
I was not able to be home for Randy but my next door neighbor was at my residence the entire time Randy was present. Randy was on time, and I greatly appreciated it; However, the shock came when he was finished and I had to pay the bill. My total bill came to $373.61. I was outraged. I wanted to yell and haggle more with the pricing, and told him I did not appreciate being GROSSLY over charged, but I was at work.
I was charged $110 just for him to look at the heating elements and tell me that they were fine and nothing was wrong. All randy did was basically tighten a couple screws that were lose and that solved the problem.
I was charged $165.00 a value rate for the replacement of a main shut off valve, even though Home Depot and Lowe's sells the valve for about $50.00…..This is a $115.00 mark up.
I was charged $110.11 to replace a watch line on top of the hot water heater. The watch connector line from Home Depot or Lowes is $12.47 for the copper line fitting for my size pipe and model water heater……Randy gave me a markup of $97.64.
The total I would have spent would have been about $62.47 plus installation about $100-$150.00 dollars. This is $223.00 savings.
After arriving home, I looked at the bill and contacted 3 additional plumbing companies. For their reputation I will not release the names of the companies, but my neighbor was present during all 3 phone calls. One company would have charged me a total of $225.17. A second company would have charged me $175.58. The third and final company would have charged me $235.28,,,all of which are more comparable than $373.61.
Though I appreciate Randy attending to me when he was able, I AM APPAULED AT THE FINAL COST. A cost which should have been significantly lowered. I do not recommend this company to anyone, and do not recommend his services again,,,,for I am one dissatisfied customer. If I wanted to be taken to the cleaners, I would have walked myself through a dry cleaner store

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