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MaryJThomas Source: Cylex | 24.03.2014
Please let me begin by stating I am in the healthcare field and have “Cadillac insurance”. Dr. Shawn Davies provided me the worst customer service I have ever seen in healthcare. I was in extreme acute pain and needed an appointment and was told that the next appointment was in two months. However, if I went to the ER, he would see me within two weeks. I decided to get another opinion before I went to the ER. The opinion I got from the second doctor, who was not my primary OBGYN, was surgery so I chose to wait and speak with my primary OBGYN, Dr. Davies, before making any decisions. I waited over a month for an appointment. I went in for my appointment with Dr. Davies and was told me I was no longer his patient. He refused to see me because I got a second opinion. Ironically, I went to him for a second opinion. I had only seen a different OBGYN because she was willing to see me the day I was in extreme acute pain. I was horrible embarrassed in waiting room as the office manager ripped apart my chart and told me to leave.
Dr. Davies at Rush University Medical Center is a complete embarrassment to the organization and OBGYN’s everywhere. I wouldn't go back to his office if he were the last OBGYN in the state. I wish there were 0 stars.

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