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616 Happy Acres Rd
23323 Chesapeake

(757) 350-6960

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Hours set on 02/05/2023
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Aaron Baldwin Source: Cylex | 30.06.2022
This place is very crooked!!! I'm the guy mentioned in most of the previous positive reviews on this place, Aaron. I left Coastal after being forced to create my own pay cut. The month prior to that he couldn't afford his payroll either, so I reluctantly accepted his beat down and worn out Toyota Carolla in lieu of my paycheck, which he withheld the title on until he came and had it towed the other day, and since he still had the title, there was nothing I could do to stop it. He has purposefully not cancelled policies when people have requested it so he didn't get the charge back until the next month. He also directed me to write people as widowed, stating that the Progressive territory rep had instructed him to do so to help pump the numbers, as it gave them a much cheaper rate. Turns out that is pretty illegal and the exact same as stealing. He is blatantly racist, namely against black people and Jewish people. He is thoroughly convinced there is a massive conspiracy wherein the Jews are singlehandedly responsible for COVID, every war that has happened, all the school shootings, literally anything bad that happens in the us, he will create a way to blame people of Jewish decent. He is renting out half of his office building to the nicest people you'd ever meet, who happen to be black. I cant tell you how many times he has waited for them to walk out of the office and the slurs start rolling, acting hard but it's really funny because the guy renting from him would absolutely destroy him if he said one of those words in front of that guy. I justified working there as I felt I was truly making a difference for people, but in reality, I worked for a thieving, lying, racist for years because I was afraid of not being able to find another job. I do hope this helps reel in all the theft and racism. He will create whatever false information he needs to to continue taking your money, he created lies about his previous employees so I can only assume he will try to discredit me in some way shape or form, but know that he has had several customers get their claims flat out denied for concealment of information that he just didnt bother to put on their policy. He should be shut down and banned from the rest of the insurance world exactly like he was banned from Allstate, Grange, and Travellers.

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