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Tiffany W. Source: Cylex | 11.08.2022
In 2015, I rented a home in Charlotte, NC from Invitation Homes. I am a Veteran and at the time that I had lived in an Invitation Home, I had resided in well over 15 different locations, including on military installations, and had always gotten my deposit back. I had always paid my rent on time. I had always communicated with landlords. For those of you have served, you know your service can be negatively impacted if you leave any property in shambles.

I wrote Invitation Homes and told them that I we were moving from the property. I asked them what needed to be done prior to moving out and also asked them if they could send me the color of the paint so I could touch up spots to the home.

The company told me two different colors (both incorrect). Then I tried to get it matched with no luck. So I opted to fill in the holes and told them that's what I would do since neither one of the colors they sent me matched the property. They told me this was fine.

Next I got the carpets cleaned and even changed out the blinds with new ones. I completed the inspection asked the inspector if there were any significant issues. Because we would stay if there were to fix them. We also had the house professionally cleaned.

He said there were not.

HOWEVER, after i moved out, I didn't receive a letter, but got an alert that my credit had been updated to reflect $5700.00 in collections (AFTER THE DEPOSIT WAS TAKEN!). They charged me 1800.00 to repaint the house. Almost 800.00 to replace all of the carpet (despite the fact that I gave them a receipt showing that we had it professionally cleaned). They charged me 100 to repair a baseboard. 100.00 for lawncare. They charged me 300.00 for cleaning. They charged me for changing the batteries in the smoke detector and all over the house (even though I had recently changed them prior to leaving). They charged me for new blinds (although the ones I installed were brand new) and told me it was because of smoke damage. I AM NOT A SMOKER!! They charged us for everything that could think of. You might as well say they charged us for a renovation.

This debt has been on my credit for over 6 years. It has prevented me from getting affordable housing. It has prevented me from finding housing (when I was a homeless Veteran). And now, I am attempting to buy a house, but I have this collection on my record. It is the ONLY collection I have on my record.

I have asked them for color images (because they sent me black and white images on copy paper in small thumbnails.

And, get this. In all of the place I lived during my military service, I NEVER caused such damage to any property.

DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY. They will not settle for less. They want their money. And they are willing to bury veterans under @5700.00 in collection to accomplish their goal. And note, this is the amount after they took my deposit.

If you don't believe me, look at Desiree Tromblee on News channel 5 of Nashville. She was charged $6500.00 when she moved out. They make it easy for you to get in and rake you over the coals when you leave. They tie your livelihood up in collections so if you leave them, you can't rent again because you have a huge collection bill. Then they write it off on their taxes (while you are still fighting ruthless collections agencies). If it can happen to a vet, you are all prey!

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