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J Griffin Source: Cylex | 08.03.2022
Unfortunately, I am unable to give Fun Outdoor Living a “zero star” because that is what is truly deserved from my project experiences. Below are items that occurred on a project at my home that cost near $70,000.

1. The subcontractors do not ring generally ring the doorbell. Many show up starting to work without saying anything as if they own your property. A couple subcontractors stated that Fun Outdoor Living (FOL) advised them to NOT interact with the customer.

2. Many times I had to initiate communication with FOL. There are days when no one shows and no one from FOL calls to explain why. Many time it felt I managing the project instead of the FOL.

3. Many time FOL staff stated they will call back or text but never do. It got to the point whenever they said that you knew it wasn’t going to happen.

4. Stone was ordered two months before it was needed. This stone sat in front of my house for about 2 months. I received an HOA (Home Owners Association) violation letter because the stone was stored in front of my home for the extended period of time.

5. Many times I cleaned up trash left from FOL staff and FOL subcontractors. FOL only cleaned up about three times during the entire project and it wasn’t a thorough job.

6, Two footers for the new patio roof was extended after the footing inspection. If required to be re-inspected, I did not see the where the extended footers took place.

7. A Fun Outdoor Living (FOL) employee used WD-40 to wipe off and try to clean concrete residue and construction debris from the cutting of the concrete for the footers off of my hardie siding and two door trims. This smeared grease all over my siding and trim area. FOL and an FOL subcontractor attempted to clean and paint this area but the results look terrible. The entire area under the roof was suppose to be painted but there are visible paint brush marks where it was just touched up and the entire area under the roof was noticeably not painted in its entirety.

8. An FOL employee pissed on the side of my house between the HVAC units and when asked he said he was just checking out something. But it was a lie because no HVAC work was part of the project. There was also FOL staff on a couple other occasions coming from the back of the property line where there is a wooded area. No work was part of the project in the woods. I am guessing maybe they also pissed in the rear of the property since there was no other reason to be back there.

9. FOL does or provide their staff any boot covers nor does the subs use any boot covers either. As a result, I had clay stains on my front porch, on my driveway, around portions of my concrete pool deck, and on the travertine. Many times I was the cleaning crew who cleaned up after both FOL staff and FOL subs on multiple occasions. .

10. FOL was to order and obtain a Bull 11001 refrigerator. But when it was time to install it, FOL had no refrigerator. They had no idea when they could get one. I was forced to purchase a refrigerator externally and received it in two days as a customer. FOL being a supplier couldn’t even get their hands on the same item that I obtained very easily. You would think that the refrigerator would have been procured months prior since they had about 3 months to get the refrigerator they recommended.

11. Also, if you are promised anything by FOL staff at any level, get it in writing. If you don’t, it may not happen.

12. Also, read your contract and information very throughly. Because it may read that damage to your landscaping, for example, will not be resolved by FOL. You may need correct the issues yourself or hire a professional to correct the issues.

The above is just some initial examples and snapshots of my experiences with FOL. This has been shared with the highest level of FOL staff and will not come as a surprise to them.

I can only reflect on the above experiences and many other experiences that I will recall and add later on.

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