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25284 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite #108
20152 Chantilly

(703) 574-4739

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Ly Le Source: Cylex | 06.07.2023
My car had a crash and I had to pay all from my pocket. Morning Oct 11, 2022 Sidiq roughly estimated on the phone the cost of $8,500 to repair my car (based on pictures I texted him). I agreed with the price because the estimate is less than another estimate about 3k. I let him had my car towed to his body shop so he can do the actiual estimate. At noon the same day 10/11/22, after my car arrived at the shop, I texted him asking him when I should receive his estimate, he texted me he will email me it by afternoon 10/12/2022. But I did not received the email until the afternoon 10/13/22. Thus he delayed the estimate about 2 days including his late email. Because the estimate of $18.000 from the email is unexpected "balloon" estimate that is more than double from the verbal estimate. I met him on 10/14/22 at his shop. He said I must either go with $18k to repair my car or paying $1,100. He rejected my offer/ negotiate $11,000 (the same amount with another autobody estomate). After our negotiation over the cost failed to reach an agreement he told me to pay him $1,100 so I can have my car back. He stated clearly he would not release the key to me unless I pay it and if I don’t pay then $100 per day for parking fee would be added to the charge. This is unexpected charge that he never disclose to me any of these charge before he had my car towed to his body shop (these itemized charges of $1,100 are unreasonable and all incorrect: towing fee of $250 (should be $150), parking fee based on number of days my car parked there is 4 (should be 3 because It is from 10/11 to 10/14. Anyway, he created these parking days by his delay and late estimate), the labor cost based on hours of disassemble the parts is 7 hours when it should be 1 or 2 hours (I never approved and he never notice me he would disassemble the parts of my car), cost of waste is not true (I got back all the parts including the unusable parts that he disassembled and the waste they put left in my car. I had video recorded with him that I didn’t not agree to pay this charge but I was forced to pay this charge to get my car. I DISPUTED the amount with my credit card company. They finally permanently credit back me the amount Sidiq charged me after investigation for 1 month. Eventually I had my car done with $11,000 with Skyline auto bodyshop.

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