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100 7th Ave
11215 Brooklyn
New York

718 638 2693

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Carlos Duran Source: Cylex | 16.01.2021
Having lived at a Kotsonis-owned property for many years, I can say with certainty that in my opinion he is more of a slumlord than a landlord. This greedy, rapacious individual bought our building with the intent to do marginal and dubious "improvements" to the exterior, and immediately he filed for a HUGE MCI (Major Capital Improvement) which DHCR allows unscrupulous landlords who purport to have spent large sums of money on a building's improvements to as a result receive compounding rent increases, in perpetuity. He claimed to have done an "exterior restoration" but the outside of our building looked absolutely horrible and to this day the stoop is discolored and crumbling with every step you take on it. Bird droppings everywhere and stains from decades ago linger. DHCR allowed him to get away with these inflated charges (provided by companies that inflated the amount he "spent" on "improvements) which forced our rents through the roof. This landlord wants to push out rent stabilized tenants so he can gut renovate apartments and put them on nelsonslist rentals for astronomical monthly rent charges. We have a major BEDBUGS & MICE infestation and this landlord does nothing to help the situation. He is very litigious and very unresponsive to tenant problems. Be very wary and cautious before you sign a lease in any building owned by this slumlord. He loves having a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio and the arrogance and smugness that comes with it but he seems to hate the poor and disadvantaged working men and women of Brooklyn and this city who know that the rent is TOO DAMNED HIGH. Caveat Emptor! Let the buyer (or renter) BEWARE KOTSONIS management!

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