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Hours set on 08/05/2024
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Recent reviews on Yably

Tunah Vexgix Ebuster Source: Cylex | 18.05.2015
Cosmetics Department: Sunday May 17th 2015 CLARINS - I visited the store on Sunday May 17th around 6pm in cosmetics and was rudely ignored by the sales person who was chatting excessively with a customer. I waited patiently for about 30 minutes to be helped. After she finally finished chatting with the customer and I was the next in line to be helped she asked another sales assistant to service me. Upon completing my purchase with the other sales assistant I enquired about my gift with purchase and the sales assistant helping me wasn't completely aware of what was available and asked the sales person who ignored me for 30 minutes. She rudely answered the sales assistant implying that It required me to spend a certain amount to get the gift. The amount qualifying for the gift was $85 dollars in which my total before taxes was $87. At this time she decided to help the assistance. She only showed me a few items that were available, which were different from what she had given to the previous customers. This service was Total unacceptable and not representative of the reputation that Nordstrom has of being customer focus. I had just finished shopping at M***'* and S****** and received great service. Nordstrom please take action to correct this type of service in the Clarin Cosmetic Department.

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