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1163 Ridge Road
30513 Blue Ridge

(706) 632-7879

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
06:00 PM - 08:00 AM
06:00 PM - 08:00 AM
06:00 PM - 08:00 AM
06:00 PM - 08:00 AM
06:00 PM - 00:00 AM

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Stefanie Lewis 02.07.2022
The day was Saturday, 2 July 2022. My dog has had the scoots and a painful and itchy swollen booty for a couple of days. I made an appt for him to be seen after the holidays a couple days ago, no big. Come Saturday, today, I decided to take my dog in sooner as it was the worst I had seen (scared of infection in the anal glands) and to give him some relief. This was the closest place open and so I took him. I wish I would have went to the one in Waynesville, NC, anyways! I took him knowing this was non-emergent (compared to what could come in) and expected a rather long wait. That’s always to be expected. I waited an hour; they came and took my doggo! But not after they told me it was going to be 4-6 hours (I rolled my eyes with acceptance) but they did make sure to let me know “its not because we are trying to get you to leave”! I waited twoish more and hadn’t received any update. I went to the receptionist with an empty lobby, and they were proud to let me know that my situation wasn’t emergent, and I would continue being pushed to the end of the line and my wait would only get longer... sighs, I did give them attitude, but rest assured, its was only in response to the ones I was receiving! okay, so three hours go by with no update on my dog… I am irritated to say the least so I leave my door open so I can hear about all the emergencies that are more important than mine - plus it had been 4 hours and the room is tiny and cold.

The front desk lady walks by *one of the ones I spoke to earlier* and (with attitude) lets me know (AGAIN) it’s going to be a much longer time for me, still… like four more hours! I get mad… because I feel as if I am being pushed off to the side just for the mere fact that they are irritated with my situation I brought to them. So, I ask the lady to bring me my dog so I can leave, her response was condescending but a yes, and I call her a B*tch under my breath! (not my proudest moment) she asks “what did you call me” I said “a b*tch, now bring me my dog” and I walk outside. At this point, I have lost my cool and it wasn’t one of my proudest moments. This is my KID THO and no one acted like they gave a damn - I got mad. Anyways, the surgeon comes to get me while I stand by the door and she explains the situation, and that’s fine, I actually understand it! I explained that the fact that I went a few hours without any update was my biggest concern. She apologized, I understood, and she explained that she would have him done in 20 minutes and asked for me to wait. I said sure – but I am going to wait in my car bc I am just embarrassed and mad at this point. So, not even 20 minutes later, the lady I called a b*tch brings me my dog… she said “here” I say “thank you, did you do anything?” and she ignores me and walks inside. And I giggle In disbelief and leave, I guess she proved me, right? Jk jk…

My husband calls them, they LIE - its almost comical. he was calling for an update on what they did, if they did do anything to my dog, and they were more focused on telling him their side of the story... even hung up on him a couple of times. Ha! they told him that they didn’t do anything to my doggo and they didn’t do anything because they said that after the doctor talked to me and we made a plan, that I barged back in to get my dog! Yall – you have to ring yourself in, the door is LOCKED until you ring a bell and they let you in! I was not about to go back, nor do I think they would have let me back in all willy nilly.

Needless to say, they had my English bulldog for 3 ish hours and I have no idea if they did anything to him or not! My mind is blown.

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