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Contact info

6501 Bradsher Drive
78745 Austin

(512) 831-7046

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

Recent reviews on Yably

Alex Zawel 12.05.2023
AVOID AT ALL COSTS! These guys are unreliable middle men that are contracting their work out to whoever is available - no time is guaranteed (nor is the quoted cost). I was told 45 minutes for a flatbed to arrive. 3 hours later, still no truck. I call and I'm assured that a truck will be on its way. FIVE HOURS later and four calls to them, a flatbed truck finally arrives. The driver then presented me with a different price than what was originally agreed on the phone 5 hours earlier. This is baiting, dishonest and simply illegal - just like all the 5 star Google reviews which are clearly from FAKE accounts (they're been reported to the FTC). I ended up going directly to an independent flat bed driver that day and was able to have my vehicle transported for significantly less than what these clowns tried to charge me for. Their excuse for presenting the higher cost on arrival was that my vehicle (a Porsche) was a liability and required higher insurance costs. This makes absolutely no sense as Same Day contracts out independent drivers who carry insurance themselves in excess of $1 million. Do yourself a favor and go directly to an independent driver - Same Day has absolutely no control over who and when your vehicle will be picked up and will surprise you with a higher price than originally agreed on.
Alex Zawel Source: Cylex | 12.05.2023
AVOID AT ALL COSTS! These guys are unreliable middle men that are contracting their work out to whoever is available - no time is guaranteed (nor is the quoted cost). I was told 45 minutes for a flatbed to arrive. 3 hours later, still no truck. I call and I'm assured that a truck will be on its way. FIVE HOURS later and four calls to them, a flatbed truck finally arrives. The driver then presented me with a different price than what was originally agreed on the phone 5 hours earlier. This is baiting, dishonest and simply illegal - just like all the 5 star Google reviews which are clearly from FAKE accounts (they're been reported to the FTC). I ended up going directly to an independent flat bed driver that day and was able to have my vehicle transported for significantly less than what these clowns tried to charge me for. Their excuse for presenting the higher cost on arrival was that my vehicle (a Porsche) was a liability and required higher insurance costs. This makes absolutely no sense as Same Day contracts out independent drivers who carry insurance themselves in excess of $1 million. Do yourself a favor and go directly to an independent driver - Same Day has absolutely no control over who and when your vehicle will be picked up and will surprise you with a higher price than originally agreed on.

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