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Kevin A Source: Cylex | 25.08.2022
Very good
My Family are glad to have engaged Petrelli Previtera. Service rendered was really exemplary and the lawyer on our case explained the case for us patiently and provided us with practical advices with clear details of the cost and benefits of each option that we could take. Highly recommend the services of Petrelli Previtera team! `
Pam Shaffer Source: Cylex | 13.07.2022
Very good
Attorney Petrelli is definitely top-notch. My divorce was really difficult, and the other side's attorney was unethical. He kept telling me to stay out of the gutter so I wouldn't end up like them. He gave logical suggestions that might be looked at and taken into account. He didn't offer illogical arguments that were certain to be shot down. He prepared for each meeting and acted as her attorney at nearly every turn. He is someone I would gladly recommend to everyone.
Gerald Blunt Source: Cylex | 21.06.2022
Very good
Thomas is fantastic and provides a great deal of constancy. He does an excellent job of managing pressure. He has kept me grounded throughout the process. He has a lot of experience with the emotional roller coaster that these situations can bring, and it's good to work with someone who has that level of emotional intelligence.

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