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08:45 AM - 09:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
08:45 AM - 09:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Akilah Moore Source: Cylex | 27.01.2020
Very good
I have been trying to lose weight for almost a year now and haven’t had any luck until I found ILOVEKICKBOXING gym. I’ve been going to this gym for about two weeks now and I have already dropped 5lbs. I love the fact that I can go in for an hour and leave with a full body workout. The best part about this particular gym is the instructors, they are so energetic, friendly and you can tell that they are really passionate about what they do. With their inspiration and healthy meal plans I know within the next month I can definitely reach my weight goal. I definitely recommend this gym to anyone who is looking to lose weight or tone, searching for a new hobby or just wanting to blow off some steam.
Julia Zandy Source: Cylex | 08.08.2018
Very good
Amazing full body workout! It nearly kills me every time I go but I continue to go back. The most exciting part is seeing the weight come off. I have not only lost body fat, but have started to tone up. I have tried gyms and other workout classes, but never really see results this quick. The instructors are always so kind and helpful and continue to motivate you to come to class. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! I'm so glad I made the decision to sign up :)
Kim Malone Source: Cylex | 13.05.2018
Very good
I absolutely LOVE working out at iLoveKickboxing- Alamo Ranch. The instructors are so encouraging and fun. It's the only work out I have ever found that I look FORWARD to going. I love the flexible scheduling; I can work my 13 hours shifts and STILL make it. The workouts are always different I'm grateful to find such a great place to workout at so close to home!

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