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Recent reviews on Yably

Dave Stowe Source: Cylex | 28.06.2017
I paid Austin Floor and Window Coverings to tile the entire downstairs of my home. Upon completion I noticed that they had removed the original tile from underneath my stove but had not replaced it with the new tile that I paid for. I also found large gaps in the grout that needs to be corrected. I brought this to the attention of my sales rep Ashley Gutierrez and was told by her that if I wanted that done it was my responsibility to remove the stove and then put it back when they were done. This was never explained to me by Mrs. Gutierrez nor was I told this by the installer of the tile. The issue I have with this statement is that the installer for Austin Floor and Window Coverings had no problem removing my stove, tearing out and destroying my original tile and then putting the stove back in its place. Now that I complained that they did not complete the job they agreed to do, which is installing the tile under the stove, they have made excuses blaming me because they said I did not remove the stove. It doesn't make any sense and I consider this stealing as I have paid the balance in full for this job to be done including under the stove. If they intended on not putting tile under the stove then why did they remove the stove and then destroy the original tile? I have been unable to get any answers from my rep or the company. I consider this a breach of contract and theft. My home is equipped with surveillance cameras and I have video of the installers for Austin Floor and Window Coverings removing the stove, destroying the original tile and then placing the stove back to its original location without replacing it with new tile.

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