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Recent reviews on Yably

dahl Source: Cylex | 23.10.2013
She's a HIRED GUN for the attorneys. Her practices are unethical and she does not abide by NC state law! She makes you wait 20+minutes to be seen and says not to worry because Medeicaid is FREE. She is there to make a case for the attorneys to drag out so that they can make$ and she can make$. She tried to formulate a case of child abuse and didn't report in to DSS. As a psychologist, she is mandated to report any suspicions of child abuse by state law. The accused, who was trying to protect the child, all of a sudden became the villain. She never made an assessment and didn't meet with the accused for 5 weeks. After 6 months and alot of money, nothing was ever substantiated. The only thing that she accomplished was getting paid and creating a wedge between the child and the protective parent. She told the accused parent not to worry about it, that after 5 years it wouldn't matter. You NEVER get over it when psychologist falsely accuses you of abusing your child!

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