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814 S. Duff Avenue
50010 Ames

(515) 663-8833

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dianna Source: Cylex | 16.02.2014
Tuffy's experience was a love hate relationship. In the beginning, the employees were very polite and nice. As a few weeks came along, it went down hill. I took my transmission in to get it rebuilt and they didn't notify me for almost two weeks until I called them. Unfortunately, they did not start on the process in fixing it and they told me that they finally caught up on their work and I will be their number one on the list to get fixed. So, three weeks went by without a phone call. So, I gave them a call to see how long they have to go on fixing the transmission. So, I found out they outsourced it to an individual that is not part of their company or any. They never kept me updated or very little apologized about the situation. It was very hard to get to Work, school, and home without a vehicle. I felt like they didn't care that I had no transportation and took their time. I also felt like they took on a project that they cannot even accomplish on their own, because they went to someone else outside of their business. I called another company to see how long and much it would cost for them to fix my transmission and it only took them a week. Tuffy also threatened me that they would charge me about a grand to pick my vehicle up without being fixed. All they had accomplish was taking out the transmission which takes only a hour or two. It took them weeks. I talked them down to $400 to pick it up. I still felt that I shouldn't had paid that bc of the horrible service they provided me. Lastly, I would recommend not to go there for any kind of service. They disrespected me and I felt like they were sexist because I was a female. Go somewhere else where they know what they are doing.

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