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Stangus Ombix Uxperhax Source: Cylex | 29.12.2016
Office is unstaffed, no one answers the phone, lengthy wait for messages to be returned. When I arrived for my appt. the door was locked and I thought no one was there. Knocked and knocked forever before the doctor finally came and opened the door. Saw him about 6 times for foot pain, followed his instructions but very little improvement. No direction from doctor as to how often I should book appts. Went in for my next appt. and suddenly he became very caustic and rude, belittling me and scolding me, claiming I didn't follow his instructions, although I had indeed done so. I felt like I was seeing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the difference was that marked. During the entire visit, he made rude remarks to me, even criticizing the fact that I didn't take a summer vacation! What on earth did that have to do with my foot issue? Never went back, just very uncomfortable with his personality. Saw a different podiatrist and had significant reduction in pain. The new doctor fitted me with orthotics and I feel like a new person. Would not go back to Dr. Becker, he was unhelpful, unfriendly, and the office setup is very odd. Wondering if this doctor is bipolar--the personality change was startling.

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