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3700 Osuna Road Northeast
87109 Albuquerque
New Mexico

(505) 207-0672

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10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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h87111 09.09.2022
Bath Planet of New Mexico was contracted to do a total remodel of both of our bathrooms at our home in northeast Albuquerque, NM.

The contract totals $33,000.00.

It took months to complete the total project because of the supply chain issues everyone was dealing with this past year. Finally the project was completed and we have had the use of the bathrooms for a few months.

While using the hall bathroom, the new toilet which they had recently installed moved about 25 to 30 degrees counter clockwise on the floor. I was shocked, and I immediately contacted them to come out and look at it.

The project manager, and a family member in training, came out and examined it and pronounced that there was a faulty closet flange beneath the toilet. No kidding. He indicated that they were not responsible for faulty toilet flanges, although he agreed that someone should have seen the bad flange and brought it to our attention before they mounted the new toilet. He left with the toilet dismounted and said we could not use the new toilet that is now just resting on the floor.

He supposedly contacted his boss. He called back to say that they would do nothing to correct the situation. They are, after all, not responsible for faulty toilet flanges even though it is impossible to do a correct toilet installation on a bad flange. If I wanted them to contract with someone else to fix it at my expense, he would be willing to contract with some real plumbers. Why didn't they do that before they mounted the toilet?

Instead they ignored it.

I am out the use of our toilet in the hall bathroom which is what we would have our guests use... It will now cost me to contract a professional to fix their mismanaged installation.

I am beyond irate. So much for Bath Planet's warranty on a $33,000.00 project.

Beware of Bath Planet. I will continue to search for someone in the company who hopefully may care.

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