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Tasha Endicott Source: Cylex | 14.01.2023
I opened my laptop one day surprised to find that it wouldn't turn on or do anything. It was a brick. I took the time to research several small computer repair companies. I came across J's Computer Clinic and noticed it was close to me, but not in the best neighborhood. I read through reviews here and a few other sites, all of which basically said, even though the area was a bit sketchy, he was good at fixing computers and to trust him.
I called, and he immediately answered and told me he could meet me at his business that evening. I showed up on time and he was not there. When I called him, he said to leave it on his front porch. He assured me it would be okay and he would be there soon, so I left it. I texted J to let him know where it was left, and he didn't respond. The next day, I texted again, asking if he got it, and asking him to keep me updated. He responded within an hour saying he did get it and would.
The next evening, I text asking for an update. He says he'll call shortly. He called after 10 PM saying I could come pick it up and it was done. I was ecstatic! It cost me $80, which was $5 less than Best Buy and it was pretty fast. When I arrived to pick it up, he had said he accidentally left my cord to plug it in at his work and he would get it to me that weekend. He never showed or contacted me.
On Monday, my daughter's laptop went out. I texted J asking him to work on it and if I could get my plug, figuring I would get my cord back when I dropped hers off. Once again, when arriving to his business, he was not there and asked that it be left on the porch. I texted him to let him know where it was left and he didn't respond. The next day around noon, I texted asking him if he had any sort of time frame on the computer and if I could get my cord back. He didn't respond. Around 10PM, I texted again, no answer. He called me back after a few minutes and said my daughter's computer was fixed and he had my cord and would drop it all off at my house that night.
He showed up to my house around 11PM. He handed me her computer and a cord that at first glance looked just like mine, and then tells me he forgot her plug, but he would bring it by. I paid him, and he left. I went to bed.
The next morning, I go to plug in my computer and it's not even the right brand plug. So I text again, because at this point I have 2 working laptops and no plugs. He didn't answer. I text again about 8pm asking if I can send my husband to come get the plugs. He doesn't answer. My husband called from his phone, and J answered and said to come get them.
When my husband went to get the cords, he was given my daughters, and then a story about how mine must have been left in Kent, but he supplied a temporary cord that would work. Once again, he said he would get my cord to me. The temporary cord, wouldn't even fit my computer, so I text letting him know. He didn't reply.
Since then, I have called twice and texted once each day, politely asking for my plug. He has not responded at all. I have now been without a plug for my computer for over a week and haven't heard from him in 3 days.
I went out and spent money on a new cord today since I'm sure mine is gone forever, and now I've spent more fixing my computer than I would have at Best Buy. And they would have communicated better.
Don't get me wrong, he did fix both computers quickly. But not communicating, and then just ignoring me once he lost my cord is not the best way to run a small business. I will NOT be using his services again.

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